I was glad to have finals to focus on. But the last two weeks I think I've just been blocking it out. Now, here I am, home from the last day. Five and a half years that have changed my life for the better in so many ways. It was Meredith's encouragement that I consider going back to college that got me from thinking about it to taking those first steps. When Meredith first emailed me to ask if I would be willing to babysit for her I had no idea that would be the beginning of such a true and deep friendship.
I am sure in the coming weeks I will write more about this. I know that it is for the best that I take the summer to possibly obtain some piano students and rest before beginning grad school. I don't regret this decision, not entirely. I guess today I regret it, I can't imagine my life without such frequent regular contact and interaction with the Taylor family. And now I must go and cry over dinner. Good tears, only good tears.