Thursday, February 2, 2012

January's Sestina

I wrote this while on break at work today. I've been thinking a lot about my favorite place lately. I love my husband, profoundly and into my bones. This poem is still quite rough, I might try writing February's poem earlier in the month and have some time to refine it before posting.... we shall see, any who, here it is.

I am profoundly content
When resting in his arms
Death and destruction
Are kept at a distance
While his strength
Holds my heart

Fragments of my heart
Begin to content
Themselves  strengthened
While held by his arms
His own pain distant
I pray for no destruction

Yet I know I may need destruction
For the depths of my heart
To stop keeping him distant
And allow for contentment
To fill me to my arms
And imbue me with strength

Seeping through my veins strength
Grown from the roots of destruction
Flowing in me through my arms
My legs my hands my heart
Yet with this I am not content
Not while he is distant

Looking toward the distant
Future I pray for strength
For the chance to still be content
Hoping to survive destruction
Massaging the depths of my heart
His love flows straight through his arms

Timeless in his arms
I work to ever lessen the distance
And keep my feet in my heart
So I can draw strength
Still from the past destruction
And what I learned about contentment

Our arms joined in strength
Contentment and heart
Despite any amount of distance or destruction

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are good!
BTW, is interested in some of your handiwork.
love ya,