Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ah, Progress

Well, my sister's dress is mostly done and I've worked out a few of the kinks in the prototype dress. -- a note about that: Jason tried on the dress! I was down about how it wasn't quite working out the way I wanted it to, so he put it on so I could look at it better. I told him to get the camera, but of course he didn't. It was priceless, and just the pick up I needed. Its so easy to forget to laugh at ones self now and then! This afternoon I went to Joplin and visited my cousin Abby, she is also in the wedding. I will start work on her dress tomorrow most likely. This fabric is such a joy with which to work. It seems everything I do with it looks good. Well, that's today's update. Another note: YouTube is addictive. I had no idea you could watch so many great things. I've found lots of Miss Marple and Poirot, Wooster and Jeeves, just all the greats from BBC drama. Simply lovely!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lucinda and Jason, You two will have dress making tales to remember! Sounds as if you're making progress. I'm at the collecting supplies stage of the centerpiece project. Starting a new project always makes me nervous & excited. Only 79 Days til wedding. Happy New Year to you both! Love, Linda